East Malaysia (Malaysia Timur), also known as Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan (Sabah, Sarawak dan Labuan) or Malaysian Borneo, is the part of Malaysia located on the island of Borneo. It consists of the Malaysian states of Sabah, Sarawak, and Federal Territory of Labuan. It lies to the east of Peninsular Malaysia (West Malaysia), which is located on the Malay Peninsula. The two are separated by the South China Sea. While East Malaysia is less populated and less developed than West Malaysia, its land mass is larger and it has notably more natural resources, chiefly oil and gas reserves.
东马(马来语:Malaysia Timur)指马来西亚位于婆罗洲的北半部领土,由沙巴、砂拉越及纳闽组成,通称沙巴砂拉越(沙砂),面积佔全國6成(200,657平方公里)餘,但人口僅佔全國2成。地理上,東馬西馬的位置被南中国海所隔,这间接导致人口密度和发展指数低于位于马来亚半岛的西馬。然而,東馬因此保存了丰富的天然资源。